Video Series: AI and the Academic Experience
Artificial intelligence – AI – seems to be popping up everywhere we turn these days. To help you learn more about AI and the Academic Experience, we’re starting a series of interviews with college faculty and staff about how they’re using the technology. On the first episode, we ask Professor Scott Cason - one of the faculty members at the forefront of AI at FSCJ - how he got started with AI.

Two Communities - An Abundance of Great Canvas Information and Resources!
One of our primary goals is to ensure our users feel supported in Canvas by providing an abundance of resources and a variety of easy ways to access them. We also really value seeing instructors engaged in the process of learning and sharing - both amongst their peers and with our team. After all, you will continue to learn and grow (and have questions) throughout your time as a Canvas user. Here, we’ll share two ways that you can partake in and review bigger conversations with other Canvas users.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Virtual desktops allow students to access classroom software from anywhere there is an internet connection and from almost any device.

Tips for the Start of Fall Term
As Canvas experts, we have a way of knowing the answers to the questions you may have this term before you know you’ll need them. So, to help you prepare, we’ve created a list of our Canvas tips, dates, and processes that are most commonly asked as we embark on a new term.

Canvas New Feature Release, April 16th
Instructure will perform its monthly release of new features to Canvas on Saturday, April 16th, 2022. This month, we have an exciting changes to our course settings, gradebook, and fun feature addition to our submission comments!

Canvas Deploy: New Icon Maker and Late Labels
Instructure has monthly releases of its big new features, but from time to time there are small updates shared within Canvas Deploys. This month, a few small updates were share-worthy for everyone here at FSCJ.

Canvas New Feature Release, October 16, 2021
Instructure will perform its monthly release of new features to Canvas on Saturday, October 16, 2021. This month, a series of small changes to the Canvas interface should result in big improvements in the efficiency of a few key Canvas processes.