Secure Your Access: FSCJ Password Portal
Reset Your FSCJ Password or Find Your Student ID
Locked Out? Reset Password
If you have forgotten your password or are locked out of your FSCJ account, click the button below to read the full directions or click Forgot Password on the login screen.
Recover Student User ID
This link will provide you security questions to retrieve your FSCJ Student User ID. Your User ID and password are used to log in to most of FSCJ systems, including myFSCJ and Canvas.
Change Known Password
If you know your FSCJ password you can proactively change your password by clicking below, logging in, and updating your password within OneLogin.
Maybe It’s Not You, It’s Us!
There could be various reasons why you may encounter login issues, and not all of them are related to your password. For instance, if a system is unavailable or offline, it becomes impossible to access. To verify this, you can check the FSCJ Status Page or plan ahead by looking at the FSCJ Maintenance Schedule.
From Password to a Passphrase
A passphrase is similar to a password but is usually longer and comprises several words and characters strung together. It's meant to be easier to remember and harder for others to guess.
Choose a Theme or Idea: Start with a concept or idea that's meaningful to you. This could be a line from your favorite book, a lyric from a song, a memorable quote, or even a series of random, connected words. The idea should resonate with you but not be widely known or easily guessed.
Mix It Up: To enhance security, incorporate a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. For example, if your base phrase is "QuietMorningDew," you could modify it to "Qui3tM0rn!ngDew."
Length Matters: Longer passphrases are typically more secure. Aim for at least 12-15 characters. This can be a series of simple, connected words that are easy to remember yet hard for others to guess.
Memorable but Not Obvious: Choose something that is easy for you to recall but not straightforward for others to figure out. Avoid easily guessable information like your name, birthdate, or common phrases.
Test It Out: Before finalizing your passphrase, type it several times to ensure it's not too difficult for you to remember or enter. If it feels too complex, consider adjusting it slightly.
Sing1ngnthEr@1n (Singing in the Rain)
Two-Factor Authentication at FSCJ
FSCJ uses OneLogin to provide two-factor authentication to faculty, staff, and students. Having a second layer of security helps prevent anyone other than you from accessing your sensitive FSCJ information online by confirming it is you attempting to log in to a College system.
Click here for more information about Two-Factor Authentication or the OneLogin application.
We highly recommend you configure a backup or secondary method of authentication factor in case your primary device is lost, stolen, or replaced.
Visit this FSCJ knowledge base article to learn how.
Read this article or follow the directions below to re-register the OneLogin Protect app on a new mobile device.
Step 1. Go to https://fscj.onelogin.comhttps://fscj.onelogin.com
Step 2. Log in with your FSCJ username, then click Continue
Step 3. Type your FSCJ password, then click Continue
Step 4. Once you have successfully logged in to OneLogin, click your name in the top right-hand corner
Step 5. Select “Profile”
Step 6. To Revoke a previously registered factor, select “Security Factors”. Find the OneLogin Protect registration that you would like to remove access to then click the three dots and select “Remove”
Step 7. Select Remove Again
Step 8. To re-enroll a new device within your OneLogin Profile, select “Security Factors” and then select “Add Factor”
Step 9. Select the “OneLogin Protect” from the drop-down (if not already displayed), Leave this screen up on your PC as you will be required to scan the code
Step 10. Select “Activate”
Step 11. Open the Protect app on your mobile device and tap the + at the top right to add your account. You will be prompted for access to your camera to scan a QR code Click Ok
Step 12. There are two methods of pairing your device; Scan barcode or manual entry. Choose your method by selecting Scan Barcode or Manual Entry
Step 13. When using the barcode scanner; scan the QR Code that appears on your PC
Once the registration is completed you will see a green bar that says “You Successfully Registered the device”
If the code doesn't scan for you, select Manual Entry on your computer, once you receive the code, enter the code into your smartphone.