Syllabus Tip - Resetting All or Part of Your Syllabus
Perhaps you have gone through your syllabus, making all kinds of edits to make it perfect, but then realize, “oh, wait. I’m totally in the wrong class.” Or maybe you made a lot of changes to the pre-populated language for the Academic Honesty component and realize you would like to go back to the original default language that was there before your changes. These are just a few reasons why Simple Syllabus’s Reset option can be a huge timesaver. For this tip, we are going to discuss how to reset all or parts of your syllabus.

First Steps in Syllabus Creation
As you begin creating your spring syllabi in our new Simple Syllabus platform, we want to ensure you have clear guidance on how to access and start working on your syllabi—both directly and through Canvas.

Creating a Simple Syllabus with Dr. Wall
Mark your calendars for December 6th at 10 a.m. and join us for a live event featuring Provost Dr. John Wall, as we dive into the new Simple Syllabus platform!

Announcing, Simple Syllabus as the FSCJ Approved Syllabus Platform
We are very excited to announce the adoption of Simple Syllabus as FSCJ’s improved process for creating, submitting, and sharing course syllabi. Simple Syllabus will replace the FSCJ Online Syllabus Builder, and instructors are required to use Simple Syllabus for all syllabus creation and submission starting with the Spring 2025 term.

A Really Simple Syllabus Process for Instructors
As you embrace and begin the transition to Simple Syllabus, here is a high level view of the top 5 steps to get you started.

Course Syllabus (Simple Syllabus): FAQs
Here are the top questions and answers to common questions posed as we transition to Simple Syllabus at FSCJ.