A Really Simple Syllabus Process for Instructors

As you begin your transition to Simple Syllabus, here is a high level view of the top 5 steps to get you started.

1. Disable the Syllabus Link in Canvas

The Course Syllabus link is how you and your students will access Simple Syllabus while working in Canvas. Alternatively, you may access and edit your syllabus within the Simple Syllabus website, at syllabus.fscj.edu.

If you do not use the Canvas default Syllabus page page, we recommend that you disable it to prevent possible confusion. To do so:

  • Log in to Canvas by visiting canvas.fscj.edu and open the course you would like to enable Simple Syllabus in.

  • In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.

  • Click the Navigation tab.

  • Drag Syllabus it to the bottom of the list which will hide it in the course navigation. Alternatively, you can click the three dots to the right and select Disable.

  • Scroll down and click Save to confirm your change.

2. Review the Note to Faculty

When you begin to edit your syllabus, you’ll first be presented with a blue box of text that has each critical item you’ll need to know for syllabus creation. Here, you’ll learn which components are required and which are optional, how to add and reorder components, and how to submit your completed syllabus.

3. Complete the Special Components

Many components are pre-populated with data directly from PeoplesSoft. Others, need your personalized touch. Some of these components are self explanatory - however we’ve included help text to the right of each component in case you get stuck. There are a few components however, that we’d like to call your attention to in advance.

Course Learning Outcomes

To meet state and FSCJ requirements, you will need to add your Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) into this component. To do so, visit FSCJ’s Curriculum Services website, locate your course’s outline, find the CLOs, then copy and paste those into your syllabus. Some CLOs have been imported in advance. If you see those listed, there is no need to complete this step.

Course Calendar

If you use Canvas discussions, assignments, or quizzes, this component will sync with Canvas to show each of these along with their due date and points, if present. Ideally, you will want to create your Canvas assignments before submitting your syllabus. However, if you added or edit your assignments in Canvas after submitting your syllabus, you can go into this component and re-sync then submit again to ensure the component remains current.

4. Complete the Required Components

Although many of the required components are pre-populated, there are others that you will need to add content into. For many components, we have included sample language for your convenience. Feel free to use this, add and adjust it, or use your own that you have prepared. To complete your syllabus, there are components that are required and content must be added to prior to submitting. Other editable, required components should be reviewed prior to submission.

5. Submit and Share Your Syllabus

Once you complete all components and have the best, personalized syllabus that prepares students for the course ahead of them, you’ll simply submit your syllabus. To do so, click the Submit button. Once submitted, the syllabus is automatically available on the FSCJ Public Syllabus Library, where you or your students can View, Share, or Print it.

To find your syllabus within the public syllabus library site, visit fscj.simplesyllabus.com. Use the term, course prefix or number, or instructor filter to search for your syllabus. When you locate your syllabus, it’s easy to view, print, or share - only available when logged in.

Select the View button to see the online version of your syllabus. You may copy the link and share that directly with students.

The Print button will open a PDF version of your syllabus. This can be shared or sent to a printer if a paper version of your syllabus is preferred.

Using your College credentials, you can login to Simple Syllabus in the upper right corner of the site. If logged in, the Share button will be available to you on your syllabi.

Share gives you the option to copy the link, PDF or embed the syllabus.

For comprehensive syllabus training, please review options available via myLEARNING.


What’s New in Canvas for the Fall 2024 Term?


Course Syllabus (Simple Syllabus): FAQs