Embracing the Passphrase
As you read in the recent email, IT has given everyone the gift of no longer requiring a password change every 60 days. In this blog post, we’ll recap the steps to ensure you have a secure passphrase and how to avoid it being compromised.

Empower Yourself: Regaining Access to Your FSCJ Account
Empowering yourself to regain access to your FSCJ account is a simple and secure process. By following the outlined steps, you can unlock your account, reinforce its security, and reduce the need for password reset calls. Remember, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is your ally in safeguarding your account, and is now mandatory for all users. If you're ever unsure about your User ID, finding it is a click away. Share this valuable information with your peers to ensure everyone benefits from a safer and more secure FSCJ experience.

New Password Portal for Quick Login Resources
At FSCJ, we pride ourselves on a secure log in experience, but sometimes users forget their passwords, lose their login credentials, or are unsure where exactly to go for help with this process. In an effort to bring these links and resources together, IT has created a page to direct users to the links they need to access when they need login help.

Reduce Password Reset Requests
Over the next year, a statistical analysis will be conducted to identify and address any barriers that may impede students, staff, and employees from successfully resetting their passwords.