Video Series: AI and the Academic Experience
IT Update Brandi Bleak IT Update Brandi Bleak

Video Series: AI and the Academic Experience

Artificial intelligence – AI – seems to be popping up everywhere we turn these days. To help you learn more about AI and the Academic Experience, we’re starting a series of interviews with college faculty and staff about how they’re using the technology. On the first episode, we ask Professor Scott Cason - one of the faculty members at the forefront of AI at FSCJ - how he got started with AI.

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Reducing Video Size for Canvas Studio
IT Update Michael Smith IT Update Michael Smith

Reducing Video Size for Canvas Studio

Although Canvas Studio has a file size limit of 10GB, you could encounter upload issues with smaller file sizes. Most upload problems are related to the time it takes to transfer the file from your computer to the Canvas Studio. If it takes too long, there can be disruptions and eventually, the upload will fail. On campus, internet connectivity is more consistent than a home connection.

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