Embracing the Passphrase
As you read in the recent email, IT has given everyone the gift of no longer requiring a password change every 60 days. In this blog post, we’ll recap the steps to ensure you have a secure passphrase and how to avoid it being compromised.

New Phone? Read This First!
Whether you’ve decided you simply must have the latest and greatest new phone or your current one took a dive onto the concrete and you need to replace it, don’t get rid of that old phone before you set up FSCJ’s OneLogin Protect tool on your new one.

Reduce Password Reset Requests
Over the next year, a statistical analysis will be conducted to identify and address any barriers that may impede students, staff, and employees from successfully resetting their passwords.

Smishing, Spear Phishing, and Spam - Phone Security Terms You Probably Don’t Know But Should
Imagine this: you get this text from the College President himself, asking for a favor. Of course you’re going to help, right? Wrong.

Texts to Test Your Loyalty and Security!
Imagine this scenario. It’s just a normal busy work day and you receive a text message to your personal cell phone from your supervisor or other administrator asking for assistance with something only you can help with! Or, so it seems. Text scams, also known as smishing, are trending frequently these days and can easily get users to engage in the conversation and potentially participate in the scam they’re attempting.