‘Reactions’ in Teams, and How to Disable Them

Have you ever been on Teams and had an emoji thumbs up or thumbs down appear, leaving you wondering what you did to trigger it? We discovered these reactions are now integrated within Teams for Mac users, but originate in the FaceTime feature set. This article will share how these reactions work, how you can use them intentionally, and how to disable them if needed.

Reactions, as Apple has titled them, add a 3D effect expressing how you feel to your FaceTime interaction. We recently noticed these reactions popping up in Teams meetings as well. While silently giving a thumbs up may add engagement to the meeting, we also don’t want reactions appearing unintentionally. The linked article below will share that you can add hearts, balloons, thumbs up or down, and even confetti to your virtual meetings. To show a reaction, make the appropriate hand gesture in view of the camera and away from your face. Hold the gesture until you see the effect.

However, if you aren’t quite ready for that much fun, there’s a simple step to take to turn these reactions off.

  1. To turn this feature on or off, open FaceTime on your laptop.

  2. Click the green icon from the top of your screen.

  3. While on a video call, select Reactions in the Video menu.

  4. To show a reaction without using a hand gesture, click the arrow next to Reactions in the menu, then click a reaction button in the submenu.

Click here to read the original article that shares more about these reactions and how to fully utilize this fun feature.


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