Unsplash No Longer Accessible Within Canvas

There has been a change to the image uploads area where users can no longer upload stock images conveniently from inside Canvas. This is due to a recent change with Instructure (Canvas’s parent company) removing the partnership with Unsplash. Below you will find a quote from Instructure’s VP of Product Management.

“Importing bright illustrations or educational images into your Canvas courses is a key contribution to the personalization and quality of your Canvas courses.

Unsplash, a free service formerly incorporated into Canvas, will no longer be available within the platform, beginning December 09, 2022.

We know this news is likely a disruptive inconvenience, and we apologize for that, but be assured that this change doesn’t affect your previous courses, and there is still a way to add some illustrated excitement to your current courses.

First, all previous imagery will be protected and retained. According to Unsplash, any images previously embedded within Canvas courses will remain intact: No broken links!

And second, you can still access Unsplash images simply by searching the free repository directly at www.unsplash.com, and importing the files into Canvas. ”


As mentioned from the quoted text above, all images that were previously added to courses in the past will be retained and if a course import is completed, those image will also still remain. This only affects the inclusion of new stock images.

Thanks for your attention! Questions about this or any other facet of Canvas? Please email EdTech@fscj.edu.


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