Webex Update Brings New Features and Layout
The new Webex Suite meeting platform was recently enabled for all FSCJ users, bringing new features and an improved user interface. This new platform merges the Webex App with Webex Meetings into a single, unified application while introducing improvements to your experience.
This update relocates the menu options to make them more contextual, better management of panels for easier access, and choose the ability to choose what to share on your screen.

Everything You Need to Know About Scheduling and Joining Meetings in a Webex Conference Room
As we have learned, especially over the past few years, Webex is an extremely robust tool with a variety of ways to join, schedule, host, report and use. Depending on your audience, location, participants, and purpose, you need to choose the best setup for the situation. So, how do you know which tool to use and how to correctly schedule Webex? This article will share the details of scheduling and joining a Webex meeting, from wherever you are and with whomever you’d like to invite.

What's New in WebEx this Month?
WebEx, one of our most used conferencing tools at FSCJ, has been a rapidly developing tool for Canvas and our educational needs. This month WebEx has even more exciting new updates and features. All the way from improvements regarding polling to recording enhancements and enhanced view features. Read below to see all of these new and exciting updates!

VDI and Webex Classrooms for the Tech Win!
Whether your students are in your classroom or in their own living rooms, FSCJ’s IT department has some new solutions to the age-old question of how to keep learners engaged. Using Webex Classrooms, instructors can bring the class directly to their students, making remote learners feel like they’re right there in the room - even for hands-on activities like labs. And Virtual Desktop Infrastructure means students can access and use computer software without having to download or install it on their own machines. Both of these new tech solutions are already here - and even more are on their way. Check out this video for a peek at how you can use these new solutions in your own classroom.