Let the Transition Begin!

FSCJ will make a complete transition to Canvas beginning in the Fall 2019 term. The last term that courses will be taught in Blackboard will be during the Summer 2019 term, where instructors may choose to teach in either Canvas as an “Early Adopter”, or continue in Blackboard for one final term.

The Decision to Transition

At the recommendation of the Faculty Senate and the Academic Technology Committee, our Learning Management System selection was reviewed during the 2017-2018 academic year to ensure the use of Blackboard was in the best interest of our institution. On February 16, 2018, the Faculty of FSCJ voted to change the institution-wide Learning Management System from Blackboard to Canvas, in order to align our Educational Technology Systems with those that are used by Florida's State University System.

Our Canvas transition will be accomplished incrementally, driven by a Transition Team made up of faculty and staff stakeholders, and managed by Information Technology.

This site will serve as the primary method for communication about the transition and offers faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to learn more about the process while also providing an opportunity for everyone to express their concerns and ideas. 

System Management

Canvas is managed at FSCJ by the Academic Technology team within the IT department and implementation is driven by the Transition Team formed to ensure project goals of scope and time are met.


Canvas Chats: Why Use Modules?


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