A New Era of Collaboration: Perusall Joins Forces with Turnitin

The EdTech team is excited to introduce you to a transformative integration that holds immense potential for your teaching approach. Perusall and Turnitin have come together to offer a seamless combination of collaborative reading, discussions and plagiarism detection tools. This partnership enhances student engagement and academic integrity in a single platform, streamlining your teaching experience.

Perusall's Collaborative Power

Perusall's collaborative reading platform encourages students to actively engage with course materials through annotations and discussions. It creates an interactive environment that fosters critical thinking and shared insights among peers.

For information about using using Perusall, visit this Getting Started guide.
You can also join the FSCJ Perusall’s Users Group here

Turnitin's Academic Integrity Tools

Turnitin is renowned for maintaining academic integrity through its plagiarism detection technology. It not only identifies instances of plagiarism but also educates students about proper citation and original writing. The feedback tools empower you to guide students in their writing journey.

Perusall and TurnItIn Benefits

  1. Simplified Workflow: The integration allows you to seamlessly incorporate Turnitin's plagiarism checks into Perusall assignments. This harmonious workflow enables students to engage collaboratively while maintaining the integrity of their contributions.

  2. Fostering Engagement: By combining Perusall's collaborative environment with Turnitin's feedback tools, students are not only encouraged to actively participate but are also reminded of the importance of originality and proper citation.

  3. Comprehensive Insight: You can gain a broader perspective on students' progress. They can evaluate both the quality of annotations and the authenticity of content, providing a well-rounded assessment of student learning.

  4. Time Efficiency: The amalgamation of Perusall and Turnitin streamlines educators' tasks, allowing them to dedicate more time to teaching and guiding students.

How Do I Enable TurnItIn in Perusall?

By default, TurnItIn is not enabled in Perusall and must be turned on to work in Perusall’s respective assignments. Follow the two steps below to enable TurnItIn in Perusall.

  1. Log into Canvas

  2. Navigate into one of your courses using Perusall and access Perusall within your course

  3. When in Perusall, navigate to Settings

  4. Navigate to Integrity

  5. Check off the option “Use TurnItIn to check Student submissions for originality

    1. The Index TurnItIn submissions option is not available at this time

We hope that you find this new merger just as exciting as we do! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at EdTech@fscj.edu.


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